Sunday, November 19, 2006

In-Grown Toe Nails and Knee Problems

I have two major impact health problems that have caused me to think about the future. My toe and my knee are both hurting. The most painful part of this is that "I'm a hiker and have always been a hiker!" I back-packed to the top of Mauna Loa, Ka'aha in Volcano Park, to Papoose Lake in Humblodt County, The Sierras, Mount Sibyak in Indonesia, a week in the Cascades in Oregan, cross country skiied in New Mexico, hitchhiked around the US twice...and much more. Now it hurts to walk around the apartment or walk to the store or to class or around the class. It sucks.

Now I think about the treatments, drugs etc. The toe is first. Anti-biotitics, then cut part of the nail off. At first I didn't want to cut anything. Just let it grow out. That was 2 weeks ago. Now I am ready to cut the nail out. It keeps cutting my toe and getting infected.

The knee is a different story. I will wait for the MRI. I do know I have a "Baker's Cyste." Contrary to popular beleif, it is not caused by baking too much. It is named after the guy who "discovered" it.

Here are two websites that will tell you all about my problems....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had 2 of those ingrown toe nails on the big toe of each foot. My solution: Cut the side of the nail that is not ingrown. This gives the ingrown part of the nail a chance to out grow. Once that happens, keep the formerly ingrown nail side a little longer than the opposite side. Yeah, it took me over 20 years to figure out that one. Duh!

2:30 PM  

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