Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Air Conditioning Part II

Links to some old deoderant commercials - pretty funny and enlightening.





Old Freon. I didn't know!!!! Really, if I knew I would have chosen the new, non-ozone destroying, more efficient new Freon. I feel terrible about it but it's done.

Thinking about Freon made me remember using spray-on deodorant when I was starting to smell at the age of 12 in Toledo Ohio. I remember my mother having a talk with me. "Jerry," she said, "you are growing up now and it's time to use deodorant...because you are smelling." HA HA...I remember using "Ban" deodorant because they had the funniest commercial. I didn't know till later that the Freon in it was destroying our world. When I did discovered it ozone destroying, I changed (I remember thinking something wasn't right before I found out about it). Even being so young I switched to roll -on. It was a weird change. Roll-on felt so strange. Now I can't imagine spray-on.

Currently I use the "crystal" every few days. Interestingly, Taiwanese don't use anything and they don't ever have a bad smell that I've noticed. I wonder why?

Also, bigger is better - only in Air conditioners and burritos...


Blogger teamfunbaby said...

thats better than in your thirties finding an old PE report card from 7th grade that says "anne___ should start wearing deoderant, she smells."
you crack me up with the bigger and better. when i have time i will look at the utube links...
but i had someone tell me once that underarm smel is bacteria..so maybe...just maybe, deoderant creates bacteria, and then you need to apply deoderant to get rid of the bacteria...so if you never start, you won't smell? but then why did i smell in 7th grade gym? which i did zero activiy in anyway due to my dirt bag smoking ways at the time??? maybe she wasn't talking about BO, but my extra curriculuar activity smells??? hmmmm

3:41 PM  

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