Now I own a cane

Well, I now own a cane. I really didn't think I'd need one until I was a lot older - if ever. But the knee pain fluctuates and after a certain point it really helps to use a cane. The cane takes a little load off the knee. Thanks to writing this blog, I looked up "How to use a cane," and found out that I was using it wrong.
How to Use a Cane
Using a Cane
If you have a "bad" side that needs more support, hold the cane in the opposite hand. Start by placing the cane one small stride ahead and step with your weaker leg, finishing with your better leg. As you walk, your weaker leg and the cane should strike the ground at the same time.
Silly me, I was using the cane on the same side as my weak knee. I'll try this next time. Currently, I only use it when I'm going out to a place I know that I'll walk a lot. It does help so what the hell.
There is also a bonus in using a cane. People sometimes offer me a seat on the MRT or bus. Jeez, if let it, I could really let this bother me. The whole, getting old, body breaking down thing. But I only turn 51 this month....
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