Saturday, February 10, 2007

Donna quits then returns

Above are my co-workers. Donna is the woman on the left in the jeans and short hair. We are at the school appreciation lunch at the end of the semester before winter break and before the "terrible" meeting that I wrote about in a previous blog.

Well Donna, my boss resigned for a few days and then was convinced by the principal to come back to the crazy school. Here is her resignation letter. I really don't think she'll stick around for long. Perhaps she's waiting for her Lunar New Year bonus - if the school gives us one - that is. I will stay until my contract is pau. That is June 30. So, it is winter break now and I'm back in Changhua with my wife, Annie. It's pretty nice. The temperature high temperature is about 29 degrees C or that is about 84 degrees F. So nice.

Dear Principal Chin, 親愛的秦校長:
It is with a heavy heart that I must tender my resignation to Zhongshan Elementary School. 我懷著沉重無比的心情向您遞交這一封辭職信,辭去我在私立中山小學外語部的職位。
Last June you asked me what I could do to make the English program better, and I offered a number of solutions. I was excited about the opportunity to bring new yet proven methods of teaching English as a Second Language to Zhongshan but I have found support for myself as a teacher and administrator diminish as the year has progressed. 記得,去年夏天您詢問我要如何改進中山的英語課程,我提供了一些建議。當初我擔任外語部主任這職位時,我懷著興奮的心情,積極的投入於重新規劃中山英語課程的工作。我當初很高興能有這個機會,將最新的卻被證明有效的英語教學方法,介紹給中山小學。但是隨著時間的過去,學校對我以及課程改革的支持逐漸淡去。
The meeting of January 29th, chaired by yourself, Director Ruby Wu, and Director Margaret Chen, was extremely hurtful to not only myself but to all our English teachers, and should not have been allowed to proceed in such a destructive manner. 一月二十九日由您以及吳主任(Ruby Wu)、陳主任(Margaret Chen)主持的會議,對於我以及所有英語老師都造成很大的傷害。這種具破壞性、損害教師以及外語部尊嚴的會議,是弊遠大於利,對學校的傷害大於建設性的幫助。
The general consensus of Chinese teachers at this meeting was that the English department is poorly organized, that Nina and I are both incompetent administrators, and that all the teachers in the English department are ineffective teachers of English. 會議中,各中文班導師一致認為外語部沒組織,我和Nina不適任,並且所有英文老師皆無能。
The English Department, including its coordinators and teachers, is extremely frustrated by the constantly changing commands given by Zhongshan’s Administrative Directors with regard to our teaching practices, materials and methodology. Decisions are handed down without any consultation with the so-called experts hired by your school – the English teachers with teaching certificates and educational backgrounds in teaching English as a Second Language. It would appear then, that Zhongshan Elementary School is a dictatorship and when things go wrong is quick to lay blame on its English department for the school’s inadequacies. 外語部全體同仁對於學校朝令夕改的作法,以及由非英文教學專業主導的英文課程均感到無比無所適從及失望。許多英語教學的作法及政策,直接由中文導師或是上級長官決定並規定遵照,並未與學校投注許多人力及財力,精心挑選、聘任的專業英語教師(擁有合格教師證書並且專精於第二言教學領域)討論過。外語部對於各種規定只能遵照辦理,沒有主導權。可是,一旦有任何缺失,責任及過錯全歸咎外語部。
In light of the fact that the top administrators and homeroom teachers at Zhongshan have shown their lack of confidence in my leadership and teaching abilities, I would like my resignation to be effective immediately. While my contract states that I must give 60 days notice, I feel that under the circumstances that would only prolong the already negative attitude I perceive from administrators and Chinese teachers. 由於,中山的上級長官以及各導師已經清楚表達對於我的領導力、及教學能力的懷疑及不信任,我希望這封辭職申請能立即生效,立刻解除我聘約。雖然在我的聘約中有言明,我若要提前終止合約,必須在離職60天前提出書面信函。但,在學校對我以及外語部充滿著不友善以及責怪的情形下,60天的離職交接期只會讓上級長官以及中文導師們對我的不滿更加深,我希望這離職的申請能即刻生效。
I wish you the best of luck.祝 如意

Donna Quince


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