Teaching and it's the end of November

It's the end of November and in Taiwan it means you only have two more months till winter break and Lunar New Year at the end of January. I'm getting tired though and no December break to look at....
Fortunately, I have six days off for Annie and I's wedding reception. And to top it off, two friends from Hawaii are visiting - Shannon and Dennis. We will have a blast, I am sure. I am getting a bit homesick so they may also help a cure for that.
Theres are some more students at work. I certainly love them. It's amazing. There is something about teaching so many different grade levels so many times a week. K, 2, 4 and 6. They are so different. It's really giving me an opportunity to see which grade I prefer teaching. I'll let you know in the future.
Teaching English as a forgien language is a different challenge though. Sometimes I haven't a clue if they understand what I'm saying...but hey...that could be anywhere.
As for my health, the toenail pain is gone but the healing of the toe sucks - cleaning, keeping dry. What a pain. It's been raining a lot too and I have to wear Tevas.
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