I moved to Taiwan August 30, 2006, and I am living here with my wife, Annie who is Taiwanese. This blog is about what it is like for me to live and teach here.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Rice Paddy and Rice Paddy with Old Building
This is the ride home from Changhua to Taichung. The price of rice, wheat and other food staples has risen and continues to rise a lot. Here the answer to the high prices is very Capitalist. Plant more rice. This is a common field of rice seen all over Taiwan. In some areas of the country farmers, really small farmers, plant only 1 time a year. In other areas they plant up to 4 times a year. The dark green rice paddies are very beautiful.
Fish farm nets, I think. We went on a trip to an island off the west coast of southern Taiwan. It was fantastic. Clean water and air, fish and country feeling and a nice time with Annie. The island reminded me of home in Hawaii.
Life is going well here in Taiwan. My job is challenging and rewarding. The first graders are really something. Kids are the same throughout the world. The schoolwork load that they have here is quite extensive. We just finished our mid-term reading and science exams. Yes, I gave the first graders a midterm. It was 13 pages and had 100 answers. One class took 2 hours and the other about 1 and half hours. The scores ranged from 83% to 100%.
Ummmmmm, I don't recall taking a test let alone a 100 answer midterm in early elementary school. Of course, I don't remember doing too much about that time but I do remember some things. Nap time, magnets, getting spanked, Sally and Jane, Dick and Spot, blocks, bird eggs and Mrs. Mansfield who didn't seem to like me, baseball and running away from school a couple of time, oh and a girl who played the violin.