Tuesday, January 30, 2007

It's not haze but pollution from China

Okay, so I thought the haze in the air on my temple visit written about yesterday was just haze. Then I read this article in today's Taipei Times. I wonder what's in the Chinese pollution.? One thing is for sure, the products made for consumers that produced the pollution are headed to a store near you \ us.

EPA issues air quality alert. The Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) issued an alert yesterday about worsening air quality in the wake of pollutants accompanying recent cold fronts. The fronts have brought pollutants originating from southern China, EPA forecasters said. According to officials, air quality in northern Taiwan was at its worst in several months on Sunday. Southern Taiwan is also expected to be affected by worsening air quality over the next two days. Officials said this could create difficulties for people with allergies or respiratory problems, and urged anyone affected to avoid going outdoors or to wear a mask if they must go outside.

The Worst Meeting

Here are the teachers who got screwed.

Yesterday the school decided to have meeting about the English department's performance over the last semester. That's fine - always good to have views from outside, right? Well this was the worst meeting I've ever been in my now 51 years. Worst than HMSA, HFMC, HFDC, Kauth Brothers, Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital, my dad's Marathon gas station, any meeting as a student or student teaching, Econews, CATS, and even at Tom C.'s house!

here's how NOT to have a meeting. Invite all 11 members of the English department to listen to 50 homeroom Chinese teachers tell you what is wrong with what you are doing. There we were sitting in the middle of homeroom teachers launching what was on their minds at us and using a microphone to do it. I am fortunate that I only got the translated version.

It was putting us in the center of the group and having them throw stones...what the fuck was the principal of the school thinking? Having a Turkey Shoot?

This experience devastated the English department. The Chinese English teachers were hurt deeply along with our Canadian Coordinator. The feeling in the office is death-stagnate today. I was hurt too, and now I don't trust any of the homeroom teachers or staff beyond a certain point and I'm sure others feel the same way.

The issues should have been handled behind the scenes. We teachers should have received only the path the school wanted to take after digesting private comments from the homeroom teachers.

It's weird. The place was trying and attaining a "family" feeling. That's all gone and will never be attained again until the staff changes.

Me, I'll serve my 4 more months of the contract and focus on the students which is why I do teach. The kids are amazing, even the pains in the ass six graders.


Monday, January 29, 2007

The accidental temple

Always enter the temple on the right side which is where the dragon is located....
A hazy Taipei 101 from the temple area.

Here's an idea for Ric and Mary's fishpond \ waterfall....
This is just one of the many houses of this temple. Each has a different Taoist god. If you want, you can pray to them for different things. I usually just ask help in doing the right thing ...just like when I was Catholic.

Yesterday I was on my way to Guandu Nature Park - a bird park - and took the right bus that was going in the wrong direction. When I realized this I thought, "Okay, it seems to be heading in the mountains so let's see where it goes." It ended up going to this very nice temple loaded with nice views but it was hazy day.

A cold evening in Danshui

Having a beer in Damshui. The cold front has passed through. The temperature is about 8 degrees C which is about 46 F. Nice night to have a beer. The beer was warmer than the night air. The restaurant supplies the blanket.

After work Saturday I went to Damshui which is near where the river meets the ocean. It's a tourist place. Across a small stream are these houses on stilts. It's gotta be cold in there.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

My Birthday

Cindy and Willie at Amy's Mexican restaurant.

Cindy and Willie took me to Amys, La Casita Mexican restaurant. I was missing Mexican food so this was just right. The food was almost like Hawaii or California Mexican food but had some spice in it that was different. I think it was clove or cinnamon or both. Amy, the owner, is from South American so maybe that's how they cook there, or it could have been a little Taiwanese style. The fresh strawberry daqueri was good too. Nice birthday dinner. I also got an Ipod. Where have I been? Why haven't I had one of these since they became reasonably priced? They are great...
Annie couldn't be here because she had to work and I couldn't go home this weekend because I had to work Saturday. Wednesday is the last day of work till Feb 26...

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Broken Crown - Dentist

I broke an old rear molar crown while eating at my wedding reception a few weeks ago. I have many of these in my mouth so I'm not surprised. But what did surprise me was the cost of the replacement crown - $25,000 NTD. How much is that in US dollars? About $800 US. A pricey chunk for dental work in Taiwan where the crowns are to be had at country dental offices at about $250 US or so. In the US the $800 US is probably about right.

So why so much? I went with my brother-in-law to his brother's dental office. We didn't talk about money when prepping the tooth.

Mistake even with family members. Lesson: Always ask how much no matter who is there and what their relation is to you -especially for dental work and probably for mechanical work.

The office is called "California Cosmetic Dentistry." Expect to pay top dollar in Taipei if you go to anywhere that has "California" in it's name.

The crown is 100% ceramic - "VITA In-Ceram Y2." (,RNWE:2005-14,RNWE:en) (I guess this is similar material that protects the space shuttle when it enters the Earth's atmosphere.)

The crown also comes with a card with a number on it. You know you paid top dollar if your crown has its own business card.

Costs aside the crown feels great and the dentist did really good work. My only two grips are one: I should have asked the price, and two: he should have just told me the cost before the service. Oh well, that's Life in Taiwan.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Three more teaching days and some photos

A view from the 89th floor of Taipei 101, currently the tallest building in the world.
A picture in a traditional restored residence in Taichung.
These are a few photos friend Dennis took in Taipei, Changhua and Taichung.

Well there are only three more teaching days until Winter break! I am ready. I will miss most of the students though and the routine. But I'm going to love the break. When we return February 26, there will only be 4 months of school left until Summer break.

During winter break we're just going to hang around here and explore southern Taiwan. They say there are some places in the south similar to Hawaii. I'd like that. I'll also be spending time in our Taichung flat. Taichung is the third largest city in Taiwan with about 3 million people. It also has many museums, movie theatres, restaurants and stuff like that. I'm looking for a job there for the next school.

Lunar New Year begins February 19. I'm looking forward to that. Should be many days of eating and drinking. But first there is the "New Year Cleaning."

Saturday, January 20, 2007

A walk in the park - An Oasis!

A rare Taipei sunny morning on the way to work. I found a nice route. I take the bus GR2 or 253 or 611 for about 6 minutes and get off at Muzha Park. I walk about 7 minutes through the park to my school. I do the same in the evening in reverse although I may have a cigar...

It's a little Oasis in the city. Lots of old folks practicing Tai Chi, dance or sword movements. There are a few crazy people clapping their hands and a couple of drunks who make a big mess. Sounds a little like Ala Moana Beach Park without the beach.

There are a few interesting birds there - especially a couple of big noisy birds flying above. I can only catch their silhouettes and can't seem to get a good look at their colors so I can't identify.

More six grade stress

Here are two groups of six graders giving a presentation of their projects which took way too long and had way too little English usage. The girls are good artists though.

I've taught the six graders for one semester - about 18 weeks - and I can't tell if they learned anything. It seems they don't give a shit either. I've moved my six grade classroom from my
English classroom to the six grader Chinese teacher's classroom. This is to reduce the amount of Chinese being spoken in class. They are much quieter here. The other day I asked them what they thought would help them learn English. At first I got deadpan faces. So I asked if they understood what I said. Still deadpan. Finally, a few students gave me their thoughts. Movies, games, jokes and sports. Okay. Now what? I did show them a movie yesterday - "Fly Away Home," in English and with English subtitles. It's a good movie. They liked the movie but didn't like the part where I told them they have to give an oral report about the movie. Not surprisingly, they just want to watch. . . .

I blame myself though. I've been a poor teacher and failed to reach them and teach them in this class. Fortunately, I feel successful in my kindergarten, 2nd and 4th grades or I'd start my burrito food stall at the night market...

Next semester the school wants the English department to focus on projects 30%; Fry Word List and Dolch Word List 25%; Guided Reading 20%; Readers' Theatre 10%; structure work book 9%; and they want it all to be fun! Whew, I am glad winter break begins February 1...

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Now I own a cane

Guess which cane looks like mine!

Well, I now own a cane. I really didn't think I'd need one until I was a lot older - if ever. But the knee pain fluctuates and after a certain point it really helps to use a cane. The cane takes a little load off the knee. Thanks to writing this blog, I looked up "How to use a cane," and found out that I was using it wrong.

How to Use a Cane
Using a Cane
If you have a "bad" side that needs more support, hold the cane in the opposite hand. Start by placing the cane one small stride ahead and step with your weaker leg, finishing with your better leg. As you walk, your weaker leg and the cane should strike the ground at the same time.

Silly me, I was using the cane on the same side as my weak knee. I'll try this next time. Currently, I only use it when I'm going out to a place I know that I'll walk a lot. It does help so what the hell.

There is also a bonus in using a cane. People sometimes offer me a seat on the MRT or bus. Jeez, if let it, I could really let this bother me. The whole, getting old, body breaking down thing. But I only turn 51 this month....

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Wedding Reception Photos

Here are a few reception photos. Wow, what a day....

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Wedding reception

My beautiful wife during our wedding reception this past weekend. I love her so much. We officially got married in June but had to wait to have the reception on the right date.

It's funny, now that we've had the reception, I feel more married to her.

I have to go back to work in Taipei tonight. I don't want to leave her. I don't mind going back to work but I do mind living in Taipei for five days.

Only three weeks until Winter break. It runs from February 1 to February 26. We'll stay in Taiwan during the time and explore the South East. I may want to move there eventually.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Vistors from Hawaii for the reception

Here is Taroko - a hidden wonder of the world - and Shannon - my sister in-law - another hidden wonder of the world- and Dennis - my good friend and not so hidden wonder of the world. Annie - my love - is in red on the left and so sweet! Wow! What a woman she is for me!

Well it's been awhile since I've been here. I see only one person has been here too - so I know the blog is really my diary.

Dear diary:

We had our wedding reception here December 31, 2007. It was one of, if not the, the best three hours of my life. I really love my wife, Annie, and her family. Wonderful. Oh the food was good too! Photos coming soon. My friend Dennis will edit the shots he got.