Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Polishing the Stones and Disaster...

Last Sunday we went to James' factory and worked at polishing the stones that we found during our two outings of rock hunting. The stones need to be polished to bring out the Taiwan jade and the metal. I'm not sure what the metal is but it could be zinc or brass.

After polishing we drill a hole in the stone so it can be worn around your neck.

There is one more step. We need to heat and wax the stone. This is where I made my big mistake. I heated the stone for too long. I put it in the oven for 15 minute and the Taiwan jade turned brown. the metal also dulled. I''m bummed. The stone you see sitting on the cardboard is so much more beautiful now than after I stuck it in the oven.

Apparently, I misunderstood and should have only put it in the oven for a few minutes. We'll polish it again this week and see what happens. Bummer.

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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Making Yogurt for Darwin

To celebrate Charles Darwin's 200th birthday anniversary the school decided everyone will make yogurt. The students had a great time although only a few of them actually ate it. Some parents tossed it right away because they they were worried about disease. I understand that. But it was still fun.

I ran into one of my students at COSTCO on Saturday. In class he usually speaks very well but in COSTCO he couldn't say anything in English.

This is not the first time that this has happened. I think it's very common in Taiwan. Students only can speak English in school or in a classroom situation. Outside of that something happens and they lose it.

The government recognizes this problem and is building an "English" village. The idea is to loosen student's tongues by immersing them an an English atmosphere.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

We went on another day of rock hunting. This time we left home at 5 AM. It's a good time.

We ate breakfast fixed by the lady below. Then we went searching for a place.

This is part of Taiwan I really love, as you can see.

What you don't see is the garbage being tossed into the river - by some of the aboriginal people who live here.

Nice, just like the rest of the world.

This river has few or no fish. It's something about the water being clogged with a dark soil. It is and it's natural. However, I thought the lack of fish could be due to the dam down below. It may have exterminated a salmon or trout like speices. Just a hunch.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Sunday Golf

Yesterday was a "real" golf day. After ride back with Annie from Changhua to Taichung I went golfing with Duncan and his wife Meg.

We only go to golf course about once every two months. Not enough to really improve much. I practice at a driving range about twice a week and South African friend is my coach.

Golfing is a tough game. I do love the experience though and it is one way to get nearer to nature here in Taiwan without needing to drive so far.

I still don't keep a score although I made some nice puts, good approach shots and a couple of nice drives. I pared a couple of holes.

Afterward we ate a late lunch at the Lotus Flower restaurant. Not bad.

Before golfing my wife and I road the scooters home from Changhua. We decided to stop at Mos Burger for breakfast. It's a Japanese chain that is pretty good. Cheers!


Thursday, April 09, 2009

Rice is Nice

On my scooter ride home the other Monday morning I noticed how nice the rice looks at this time a year. The color is very GREEN even in the morning haze - yes it is haze - I think. It could be pollution from mainland China but I don't think so.

There is a certain secure feeling about seeing rice like this all over Taiwan. Food. This is really where it comes from, not from the store. It reminds me of when I was a kid and seeing the vast corn fields all over northwestern Ohio. I have more appreciation for it now.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Back to Bloggin

Well I miss blogging so after a break here I go again.

On April 5 we went rock hunting with some friends. It was a great way to spend the day. I really mean the day. We left our house at 5:30 AM and returned at 8:30 PM. Whew, and the only nap was in the van.

I only found one decent stone. Just getting an eye for it. However, the time slipped dreamily away. It was so peaceful to hear the river all day long.

By the way, the photo of the bridge shows women doing laundry the "old way" in the background, not rock hunting.

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