Thursday, August 30, 2007

First Day of Classes

Today is the first day of classes at Future Heir Bi-Lingual School. I teach 1st grade. I have 17 students in the morning and 18 students in the afternoon. When they are not with me they with their Chinese teacher getting the Chinese education.

I'm nervous and excited. Today and tomorrow are the only "free" days when rules and habits are introduced and enforced. Critical days. I just want to have fun with them while teaching but first the rules and boundaries and expectations must be established.

I've never taught first grade before but from other teachers and from my books and lessons at UH I really think that they want to be told what and how to do basic things.

Whew, I've thought it out and have a class rules power point ready. I also have a name game planned and of course we'll practice getting into lines and out of lines. Still, I'm nervous. What I do today affects the rest of the year. What will I forget, and go "oh shit!"?

Friday, August 24, 2007

The Knee and Ainapo

I hiked 3 miles and an elevation increase of 2000 feet. I took a light pack but I'm thrilled that my knee handled it very well. I do have some pain in the knee but I now realize that I can do these hikes again - with a lighter pack.

Ainapo cabin, Hawaii Big Island

What a fantastic place. Hard to get to, but so worth it. I'm trying to post a video of the cabin but I can't figure it out. Any one know how to do it?

Thursday, August 23, 2007

New Post - Where to start? Hawaii!

I'iwi! This is a classic! I can't believe I got this photo of the I'iwi. It almost looks like a plastic bird - but it's not.

Wow, I am back in Taiwan.! My brother and nephew left today. I haven't blogged or even reviewed my photos from Hawaii. So where do I start?

The Future Heir School called today. I'll be teaching 1st grade. It's interesting that first grade is the only K-6 grade that I haven't taught.

Okay, here are some photos of Hawaii. More to come later. I am very tired. We have stayed up to 2 am almost every night.

Friday, August 03, 2007

Hawaii Brief

I'm here in Hawaii - wonderful. I've been to Oahu (Honolulu), Kauai and now I'm on the Big Island.

The highlights, this is what I appreciate about being back - the fresh trade wind air, friends and the unique color or light that I see in Hawaii.

This is what I miss about Taiwan- my honey, my honey and the culture and some of the food. I've already started to gain back the 20 lbs I lost since I've moved to Taiwan - it's the cheese I think. Or the potato chips (I also have a strange desire to ride a motor scooter).

More later with photos.